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Monirul Islam Tusher

Joined on Apr 16, 2023

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Monirul Islam Tusher
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Rosy needs your support
Hello, I am Rosy and I am 73 years old. I’m writing to let you know that the last 9. . . . .
71 Donors
MX$117,509 raised
78% funded
Emergency Moving Fund
Emergency Moving Fund for Elder Black Activists My name is Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, and my wife is JoNina Abron-Ervin. We. . . . .
289 Donors
$19,207 raised
76% funded
Reka’s fight with cancer
Hi, my name is Zia Wagner. Our beloved friend Reka Petho has been diagnosed with a rare cancer type (adenoid. . . . .
147 Donors
$11,079 raised
130% funded
Help to provide medical Supplies for Dixcove Hospital in Busua, Ghana
On June 3rd this year, I will be travelling to Busua, Ghana to volunteer at Dixcove Government Hospital for 4. . . . .
15 Donors
£421 raised
140% funded
For a sick farmer
Hello, ma'am/sir, my name is Ashiqur Rahman, my father is sick, I need some money for my father's treatment, I
0 Donors
$0 raised
Please Help for a physically disabled sweet little girl
We’re fundraising for Alisha so she can have a much needed lift installed in her home, giving her the personal. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Monirul Islam Tusher
hasn't funded a campaign yet