Please Help for a physically disabled sweet little girl

Fundraising campaign by Md Rasel
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    raised of $12,000.00 goal goal
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We’re fundraising for Alisha so she can have a much needed lift installed in her home, giving her the personal independence that many of us take for granted each day. Alisha ’s parents, extremely proud and her amazing achievements but they’re also extremely proud people who would've never asked for fundraising help themselves.

That's why we - a group of family friends are taking this fundraiser into our hands to support them and Alisha with the Battle she fights every day.

Alisha is unable to walk due to her cerebral palsy. In 2015, she was born in Hospital after a very traumatic labor in which she was depriving of oxygen for 16 minutes.

She was then taken directly to the intensive care unit at, where Dad spent the next 17 days by her bedside while mom recovered in Hospital from the complications she experienced during labor.

Alisha was released from intensive care, but at the time it was unknown how long-term oxygen deprivation would affect her.

Alisha became any such glad and content baby but as certain anticipated milestones arrived. She didn’t meet them and the volume of the trauma at her delivery turned into quickly realized.

Usually, undeterred and decided her parents, asked questions, sought answers and attended every appointment that they could to help Alisha.

They hired a personal physic to paintings together with her on improving her bodily center energy and Alisha too never gave up, spending hours doing physical exercise and in her walker While it become so hard for her.

Parents were warned by specialists that Alisha wouldn't walk if she hadn't started walking by the time she was 5 years old.

Regrettably, they had to accept this reality, and then they had to decide as a family how to proceed. Alisha's school being so close and their affection for the neighborhood led them to reconsider moving to a bungalow, but they ultimately concluded that making changes to their current home would be best for everyone. They have made all the necessary accommodations to Alisha's support in their home, on their furnishings, and in the equipment they purchase.

Alisha is now 7 years old and simply loves lifestyles. Alisha is the most tremendous little girl. her smile lighting fixtures up any room, and her parent's sheer willpower has usually rubbed off on her with each mission being something she'll try and obtain.

She's very clever and is excelling at her school where she's very popular and has masses of friends who receive her variations entirely as traits.

Alisha by no means complains and is this type of credit score to parents who're her number one protectors and supporters. Alisha's mother and father each work complete-time in annoying jobs and even though they've acquired a furnish from the Council and they've been saving up for years there is still a manner to visit have enough budget to pay for the life-changing system to be installed of their home.

We hope that via this page and the other fund-raising activities that we will get them the last quantity of the finances that they want! For Alisha the independence that the lift will convey will be life changing, Alisha's dad and mom will not need to bring her upstairs, something that's turning into extra tough as Alisha receives older and is becoming more frightening for Alisha as she surely needs and wants her independence

We have shared her photo. We really respect that instances are tough for such a lot of households and cash doesn’t go as some distance because it used to however if you are in a position to make a donation to Alisha then please do.

Allow deliver this exquisite little girl and her own family the help that they want


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raised of $12,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities