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Rani Wasanthi

Joined on Apr 22, 2024

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assistance needed for building a secure shelter
Good day to you . we are very poor and I have three children. My husband works as a hired. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Volunteering in Tanzania
We are two Irish students trying to get to Tanzania with the charity, Plan My Gap Year (PMGY) Foundation. This. . . . .
63 Donors
€4,170 raised
119% funded
Help to build a house for a family in Nias!
This is the family of Monika. They live in Nias, an island off the West Coast of Sumatra. Monika, her. . . . .
54 Donors
€3,924 raised
52% funded
Devon Buck’s Eagle Project
To all of my friends and family, I'm excited to share that I'm about to embark on a project that. . . . .
50 Donors
$3,850 raised
110% funded
Evans cycle and head shave for Samuel
Hi everyone. As many of you may already be aware, Evan's best friend Samuel's leukaemia has returned. This has been. . . . .
71 Donors
£1,062 raised
177% funded
Rani Wasanthi
hasn't funded a campaign yet