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Md Ahsan

Joined on May 23, 2022

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Md Ahsan
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Klara’s 30KM run – Birthday Fundraiser in aid of Hospice Malta
Klara said ''What better way to celebrate my 30th birthday with a 30KM run? I am planning this run as. . . . .
49 Donors
€1,415 raised
283% funded
Kedves Támogatók! A mai napon az Osaka University a koronavírus-helyzetre tekintettel felfüggesztette tavaszi hallgatói csereprogramot. Ennek megfelelően én sem fogok. . . . .
44 Donors
€909 raised
90% funded
Helping an elderly lady in need.
While spending a lot of repeated admissions in hospital on an orthopedic ward which happen to specialize in fractured Neck. . . . .
6 Donors
£100 raised
333% funded
Md Ahsan
hasn't funded a campaign yet