User profile

Mathew Omondi

Joined on Mar 1, 2020

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To help supply water to arid areas of North Eastern Kenya.
I saw the news of people squeezing mad to get a little drops of water to drink and just thought. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
To purchase a laptop for my freelance job and writing.
Finding a job nowadays is very hard. I want to use the talent I have in writing to turn it
0 Donors
$0 raised
To purchase a laptop for my freelance job and writing.
Finding a job nowadays is very hard. I want to use the talent I have in writing to turn it
0 Donors
£0 raised
To purchase a laptop for my freelance job and writing.
Finding a job nowadays is very hard. I want to use the talent I have in writing to turn it
0 Donors
$0 raised
Mathew Omondi
hasn't followed a campaign yet
Mathew Omondi
hasn't funded a campaign yet