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Alain Schneuwly

Joined on May 11, 2017

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Alain Schneuwly
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Support the Orphans and the patients of the hospital of Pagala, Togo
Soutien Orphelinat Pagala" association is to support the children of the orphanage Pagala (Togo) for their health, tuition, education, sanitation,. . . . .
19 Donors
€1,213 raised
130% funded
Support the Orphans and the patients of the hospital of Pagala, Togo
Soutien Orphelinat Pagala" association is to support the children of the orphanage Pagala (Togo) for their health, tuition, education, sanitation,. . . . .
19 Donors
€1,213 raised
130% funded