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Nana Karia

Joined on Feb 23, 2017

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Nana Karia
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Help Mat to start his life again.
Mahathir is only 36 when he is struck with a full blown stroke that left him paralysed on the left. . . . .
704 Donors
SG$26,906 raised
53% funded
My 4 year old son Suffering from Red Skin Syndrome
My second child Ihsan Zulfaqar was born healthy. When he 6 months old, he had his first bronchial asthma attack. . . . .
252 Donors
SG$16,385 raised
96% funded
Assist me in funding for my studies
Dear Family and friends, I have recently been accepted by the University of Essex for the Masters in Education (M.Ed). . . . .
13 Donors
£356 raised
5% funded
Assist me in funding for my studies
Dear Family and friends, I have recently been accepted by the University of Essex for the Masters in Education (M.Ed). . . . .
13 Donors
£356 raised
5% funded