Startup Biz – Economy Boost

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Greetings, I hope you find yourself in great spirits. I would like to thank you for taking your valuable time to read about me and the goals I am trying to achieve. I'm attempting to be part of a solution, instead of continuously complaining about the problems, by starting a business. We all know unemployment is a huge factor in our world, and I am trying to do my part of fixing this problem.
I would like to give you a little information about me. I'm the oldest of seven children. Food was scarce. I grew up in a verbally, and sometimes physically abusive household. Nothing was ever correct. On a daily basis I watched my family imploding. Through all of this, I realized at a young age I was determined to find a better life. I worked side-jobs since I was 8 years old. On my 16th birthday I went out looking for my first full-time job and came home that same day with a job and uniform in hand. I felt good.
During my school age years, I normally kept to myself or stuck up for the kids that were treated as the underdog by bullies. I was determined to help those who struggled to help themselves.
As the years went by, I began wondering what more I can do to help people. How would I best be able to help the most people? The answer finally came to me when I survived my third near fatal car crash with minor injuries. God was on my side-He was the answer. I began my studies in religion. I received my ordination and doctorate degree, and soon after, opened a ministry.
I led abused victims to groups that specialized in that area. I shared my story with abused children, giving them hope. I gave food to needy families out of my own home. I sometimes went hungry knowing children won't have to.
As a pastor, there is only so much I could do. As good as it feels doing God’s work, I feel as though I could and should do more. Then the saying, give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime, made me realize I had to create the opportunity for people to feed themselves!
Years ago, I was the Vice President of Operations of a Janitorial company in New York. I realized, it is an industry I know and love, and starting a business will get me one step closer to my goal-being part of the solution! I have completed my business plan and now need to raise the funds to get the basic equipment and supplies to get the business going and begin hiring those veterans and unemployed individuals looking to make a better life.
I'm asking you for your assistance in helping make this a reality. Every dollar you can spare, will help people get back to work!
Thank you for taking your valuable time and assisting me with donations.


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10% Off one cleaning (Florida residents)

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15% Off one cleaning (Florida residents)

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25% off one cleaning (Florida residents)

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%50 off cleaning (Putnam County, Florida residents)


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raised of $110,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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