Book Launch Pearls of Fatima al Zahra + Madina Campaign

  • US$345.00
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2 Campaigns-

Help me Get to Madina

Pearls of Fatima Book Launch and Signing


25-year-old poet and author Saqibi Seif began life with hope, aspirations and big dreams like any child. Entering into his teens, SMA, a rare, genetic and progressive neuromuscular disease, landed into the handsome youth's lap. Social life and relationships, his world view and education were drastically impacted as the years passed. The physical struggle to get to college became increasingly difficult by the day, despite his growing thirst for wisdom and insight. As isolation became his new reality, who would believe in this young lad who neither had the chance to be seen or heard by the public nor his peers?

Finding his Passion

In an aim to make sense of the day to day challenges of this new life, Saqibi made his gracious appearance on social media where many highly evolved spiritual seekers were drawn to his profound outpourings. Finding a publisher who paid close attention to his writings, the young writer was offered a publishing gateway for three of his works to day.

Pain a Daily Reality

His physical pain remained, and his spiritual pain increased as he was reminded daily of his involuntary confinement. His life would oscillate between gloom one day and anticipating a miracle the next day. Emotions rollercoasting, the young author had no choice but to express his desperation, suffering and hope in writing. His ecstatic and raw expressions a reflection of his genuine and innocent state of mind, he challenged many views of spirituality as a neat and neutral transactional affair. His soul ablaze and ready to serve - why would he not be provided the physical means to do so?

Inner Thoughts

"I am fully dependent on others"

"I am unable to walk, yet my heart wants to run"

"I have big dreams, just like you do"

"I don't have any friends or a community to turn to"

"My only social life is a handful of folks on social media I have never met before"

"I believe in Allah but feel hopeless instantly as I face my reality every day, every moment. Hope and fear are my constant states"

"I don't know if I should believe anyone should help me, why, what is my worth any ways"

"Life isn't easy in a wheelchair"

"I really do wish to visit the Prophet. (S) in Madina, is this asking for too much or am I delusional for desiring such a desire?"

"I've lost a sibling to SMA, and have another sibling with my condition. My parents are doing all that they can for us, yet I don't wan't to while my life without hope, without trying, without sharing my story."

"I don't feel safe, heard or understood, except by those few handful of hearts I have never met"

"I've resorted to seeking a cure to my ailment as the mystics of the past by composing couplets on my master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) and Sayyeda Fatima (as). I hope my words will gain Divine attention and acceptance"

Pearls of Fatima Al Zahra

Pearls of Fatima, his most recent publication, caught the attention of a sponsor in Medina; a widow with a generous heart. After hearing his story she vowed to keep him as her guest in her home for as long as he desired to stay.

His close virtual confidants decided to pursue the opening and raise the necessary funds to facilitate the following:

How You Can Help

book signing and launch for Pearls of Fatima al Zahra

visa application fee

round trip travel fare

round trip chaperon's travel fare

1 week hotel accommodation for chaperon

special needs equipment in his temporary residence

24/7 personal assistant hired locally to care for him

miscellaneous overhead costs

emergency fund

Call to Action | | HELP ME GET TO MADINA

Interview With Saqibi

what use was empathy




lifting a finger

without doing

what use these words

without action

or reaction

that lead to no action

what use are those

hands lifted high

rosaries drenched

in sweat

without intention

to act upon

what pains your heart

Amount Required

7, 000 -10,000

This would cover:

2 round trip tickets

1 week accommodation for chaperone

full time male nurse (locally hired)

Medical equipment

Emergency funds

Transport and food



think of this as your trip to MADINA

think of this as your gift to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family)

our intention is to raise the funds so to arrange his travel to Madina by Ramadan


Sayyeda Zainab Foundation is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2009

Sayyeda Zainab Foundation is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2009


  • Guest
  • Donated on May 04, 2022
  • Guest
  • Donated on Apr 28, 2022
Amount Hidden
  • Ameen Makanvand
  • Donated on Mar 29, 2022

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Donors & Comments

4 donors
  • Guest
  • Donated on May 04, 2022
  • Guest
  • Donated on Apr 28, 2022
Amount Hidden
  • Ameen Makanvand
  • Donated on Mar 29, 2022
  • Guest
  • Donated on Mar 29, 2022


Layla Y
Kristen Jawad
Donated So Far

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