Why is the world so crazy?

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Welcome. If you think the world has gone crazy, you are at the right spot. I believe I know exactly what is wrong (well, at least to 80-85%). Psychopaths believe they are in ascendancy. Though this may be hard to believe, they are an intermarrying, con artist, cheater strategist, intraspecies predator human alternate, loyal only to each other. https://pathwhisperer.info/2015/11/18/post-redux-a...

They even push biological male psychopaths into female sports, having no innate sense of gender, plus no honor, real pride or shame. For them it's all about possessing the trophy, justly earning the trophies is meaningless. https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/06/24/nutters-in-c...

Moreover, I believe the psychopath nation is 1), united behind the notavaccine for neurotypicals (that's us, those with empathy). It seems this is a matter of existential importance to them -- will the genetic engineering/ long covid brain damage help keep them hidden? They are truly desperate. 2), united behind open borders and the extinction of America as a nation (I believe Mayorkas is himself a psychopath). 3), united behind the WEF New World Order. Seeing us as prawns, I mean pawns, they eagerly await WEF's soulless and godless Yuval Harari's 'human hacking' of 'useless eaters' and Klaus Schwab's neoslavery ('You will own nothing and be happy'). 4), their hatred of Trump knows no bounds, I assume due to his MAGA anti globalism (which I share).

Make no mistake about it, they want to want to cripple us (or worse ) with the notavaccine. As do the WEF elite. Covid, the spike protein and the mRNA vaxx are the greatest crime/evil in the history of the world.

Please help me spread the truth plus search for the best way to recognize psychopaths. Brain scans, both structural and functional, will do it. But we need a genetic test. If freed by donations to spend the time I believe I can find this information. Most psychopathy researchers are themselves psychopathic, imo, making this search more difficult.

I have written a blog on psychopaths since 2008. I want to take it to the next level. I need your help. Thank you for your time.

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