Went to med school to help other. need help1st

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I suffered with what was at first an undiagnosed disease since I was a child. I worked through it getting an athletic scholarship for college finding ways to compensate until my last year of Medical school when I could not compensate anymore.

I currently have Immune dysfunction which results in autoimmune conditions, immune defensive by, deactivations of viruses ect as a result of Lyme disease (Borrelia), babesia, and Anaplasma. It is all treatable and reversible but only if I treat every aspect of this disease. I need more expensive treatments like IVIG, may need to move ect. Despite the now extensive science based research giving credibility to all these aspects of the bacteria regarding Lyme and tick born diseases, the insurance companies have not been held accountable yet. I want to be one of the ppl who fights for not just Lyme disease patients but other diseases of immune dysfunction which include Autism, ME/CFS ect.... Helping me is like making an investment to Help many others in this group. There are weight list of a year plus for these types of patients. There are not even a quarter of the amount of educated providers needed. I have a unique ability to help so many in many different ways. There is only one ultimate way to understand something to it's core, and that is to live through it. To have a baseline of medical knowledge and be a medical intuitive while suffering provided substantial insight into different components of this complex disease including environmental, and pathophysiology of these components. I was able to confront controversial topics with more senses providing a more accurate and whole picture less likely to be swayed by biased most ppl will never get access to no matter how many years of research nor outward experience they get. Oddly my thesis during grad school involved immune dysfunction before I ever got it.

As I said I know I will help so many if I could just get a little help now. I just need help paying what I have to deal with now - my loans and medical expenses to get me healthy. My parents are drowning as I could not work until I am into treatment. My insurance is 500

A month (so much for affordable insurance), and most LYme literate Doctors do not take insurance so it is 2,000 an appointment, IVIG is 10,000, and my loans for something I went to help others are making it so I can not help

Myself at all. I Truely believe I suffered for a purpose so please help me fulfill that purpose.

Many thanks to anyone who reads and prayers to All on this forum


  • Sarah Scotchlas
  • Campaign Owner

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