We are out of options

Fundraising campaign by weareo
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PLease take just take a second, one second and read our story please. I know we've never met before but we have run out of options and need help badly. My name is Morgan, my fiance Nick and I are currently in need of any and all help we hope that someone here will come to our rescue.

Medical bills, medical bills, medical bills, we have them coming out of our ears at the tune of about $16,890, my fiance (who is only 23) has advanced Chrones disease and has been in treatment for about 3 years. With no insurance, we are paying these expenses out of pocket with credit cards and payday loans and simply cannot afford it anymore. Sadly just becasue we are out of money doesnt mean the illness will stop progressing.

We simply cannot save enough to be able to afford any expenses or keep up with treatments. There are no other options for us, we both have no family which is why we decided to post here hoping that anyone that is willing to read this will donate anything, a few cents even, to help us. 

We know this may not seem like much of a cause, but any bit you give would help us afford to pay off some of these bills and continue much needed treatment and rehabilitation. 

I dont know what else to say, its hard asking for help but its even harder having to watch my soon to be husband sick and dying, so please if you can help us donate anything and we will be eternally gratful.

Thank you for reading- God Bless


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