Waste A Million – Wasting in a positive way

Fundraising campaign by WasteAMillion
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    raised of £2,000.00 goal goal
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when was the last time you seen someone genuinely smile?



Our cause

"It is our aim to do all things you would love to do but cannot afford, spread some joy and raise a smile, With your kind donation to our cause we pledge to spend all the money gathered in ridiculous, legendary and entertaining endeavours. All adventures must be recorded and broadcast.

Now to explain in a more traditional manner. 
Our overall goal over time, is gather and waste over a million pounds by doing ridiculous things that people may want to do, for example, from simply paying for people's shopping to paying off peoples library fines and so on.

In doing this we promise and pledge to spend all donated money on producing a quality entertaining web show. We can not stress enough that we will not spend any donated money to better our own lives, for example we may not invest any of the money in property, businesses or investment companies.

We gathered the funds for our first video "Waste A Million - Pilot Video" and it was uploaded to the internet on the 24th of january. we also gathered the funding between ourselves to pay for t-shirts, business cards and website design. 

We are using this video as our pilot to show people what we plan on doing. for the first video we took too the streets of Belfast, we handed out our business cards with money attached to them. This simple act of generosity was able to shock, surprise and bring joy to some people of Belfast.

Please watch our first video to learn more;   


The adventure will only be as good as your donations.

Much love,
The WasteAMillion crew 

Our Wish list

Below we have a list of just some of the things we would love to do. we would need your help to think of ways in which to use the collected money. 

Casually Light a cigarette with a £50 note
Stuff a teddy bear with cash and give it to a random child 
Hand out money to strangers 
Brighten up people's Monday mornings commute to work with free stuff 
Walk into a bar and buy everyone a drink 
Go to a supermarket and pay for people's shopping 
Give a big tip to a waitress/waiter 
After a meal wipe our mouths and blow our nose into a £100 note
Tie £10 notes to balloons and let them fly 
Put money in a bottle and throw it out to sea 



You have nothing to worry about, we are all over qualified at wasting money and trying to spread some joy and happiness. at the end of the day all we want to do is put a smile on a strangers face ... its not much to ask but it can make someones day and also be an epic adventure ...

Founder - Aidan O'Hanlon 
The mad scientist that is in control of this unique project. 
studied business studies, and catering. he knows how to keep 
people happy

Conal Flood - Conal is our exclusive music producer, all main tracks of the videos will be produced by Conal. As Conal is the music Creator/producer he owns the rights to the music, this also means that no copyright laws will be broken. Conal is not getting paid for us to use his music, but as a team member he wants his music associated with this project.

All of our other team members are loyal and dedicated to this project and are aware that we are not allowed to keep any of the donated money for ourselves.



everyone thats donates 10 and over will be given the chance to suggest a way of wasting the collected money, please bare in mind that not all ideas can be done for various reasons, so please make it a unique, fun and wonderful idea to make others smile and also have the potential to make an excellent video :-)

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everyone that donates 20 and up will have their name permanently displayed on our own site ... these name will be on a page named "Our Millionaires". this page will be made after the donation period is complete and once we reach our pledge. reward one is included in this.

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you will receive 1 of 4 WasteAMillion t-shirts used in the first video, each one of the t-shirts will be signed by all of the crew and be accompanied with a signed and framed photograph. all of these t-shirts are a uk size medium. It will also come with one of the WasteAMillion business cards :-) reward one and two is included in this

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We will come to your house, making a video along the way and make you dinner :-) this applies to anywhere in the UK, Europe, America and Canada. BE IN OUR VIDEO!!!!!!! we can also party or do (practically) anything else you want

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raised of £2,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities