Warm Winter

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    raised of $600.00 goal goal
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HI, I'm DaShunna and i'am trying to raise money for kids who need winter items such as coats, boots, gloves, hats, and scarves.  With this fundraiser i'am trying and hoping to raise enough money to give 6 or more kids a warm winter.  I will be going to an elementary school and have the principal and teachers help me pick the students that need the items to stay warm during winter. Also, I will get donations by going around to local businesses and of course asking family and friends.During the winter living up north it get as low as -10 degrees outside, so seeing kids without coats and the things they need to stay warm inspire me to give back.  I want to give back to my community and I want start by changing cold winters to warm winters. With the help of all the donors I know WE can make this possible.



                                                  Changing cold winters

                                       warm winters









Limited Edition T-Shirt

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raised of $600.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities