Volunteer Abroad

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Dear family, friends, and everyone else who is reading:


I, Kira, am writing to you on behalf of myself, attempting to appeal to anyone who understands what it means to want to find yourself, believe in yourself, love yourself, and trust in yourself. I have always been fascinated with other people, their stories, their triumphs, and how they live, eat, manage stress, pressure, and adversity, relationships, etc.

I have always loved to travel, meet new people, and help people. Learning. I love watching/ reading about people who accomplish a goal, as well as learning how they did it, what they had to do to overcome it.


I have been an underdog a lot in life, but I always try my hardest to persist and endure. I have found that when I help others know their strength, it gives me strength. 


Recently I have had a burning desire to just travel the world learning, volunteering, and giving of myself. Right now would be the perfect time as I am not working. I was an active duty combat veteran. I was stationed in Fort Eustis Virginia, as an 88 Hotel in the 551st Transportation Unit. 

I estimate that today there are thousands of people in my city that are passionate about finding themselves, volunteering, helping others, and growing through learning from others are scared to go for it. Of all the things that I have went through these past years I just want to experience a spiritual awakening to give me the zest and invigoration I need to fully pursue my hopes and dreams and live my best life.

I believe that this journey would encourage me to be fearless and develop my creativity and give me a peace that I have been longing for and craving. I want to take this journey with someone- but I don't even know who yet. If I have to go alone, I wiould.

I am dedicated to the process of making this happen but I need your help.

Your donation will bring me closer to my goal of $10,000. Many family and friends are on board as well as others that I have served with. My time in Iraq makes me want to explore every other place in this world. My Mom is very excited and eager to see me be able to take this journey. You can be a part of that excitement by supporting me with a $100 donation, or whatever you can contribute. I am happy to acknowledge your donation on my Facebook page, (unless you prefer otherwise).

I would like to thank you for considering this opportunity to help me raise funds for this journey. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

I know that this might not be important or mean anything to some people. But maybe someone understands where I am coming from and knows what this means. 

Love always,



Pen pal for snail mail as long as you like. I love receiving and writing real letters that come in the mail.

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raised of $15,000.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities