Uthiru Children’s Home Kenya

Fundraising campaign by Lotte Johnson
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Uthiru Children's Home is a small orphanage in Uthiru, Kenya. Since visiting them I chose to volunteer there for three months. I have been fundraising to keep up with their food, rent and school fees as they are struggling to survive on 90 pounds per month ever since! They were living in terrible conditions, in rooms made on corrugated iron with no protection from the rains or the dangers of the community. The home is shelter to 35 children and is unique in welcoming children from all different tribes. There is no government support for them and they rely soley on myself and another volunteer in Australia. The long term goal is to fund some land in order to build their own home and grow their own food. All of the children are working extremely hard in school and deserve the best in life so please be generous and give all you can! 

Asante Sana xxx


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