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Bill Gordon

Joined on Dec 12, 2020

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Bill Gordon
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Keeping Jenny's One-Month Old Baby Alive by Covering Expenses
Giving birth should be one of life's most joyful and fulfilling moments. Unfortunately for Jenny, this experience was quickly tainted. . . . .
34 Donors
HK$58,488 raised
Adam’s Heart Health
CRITICAL UPDATE 15th December: Hey everyone, thank you for all of your donations so far, it is amazing and so. . . . .
40 Donors
HK$58,443 raised
Keeping Jenny's One-Month Old Baby Alive by Covering Expenses
Giving birth should be one of life's most joyful and fulfilling moments. Unfortunately for Jenny, this experience was quickly tainted. . . . .
34 Donors
HK$58,488 raised