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Danny Yap

Joined on Sep 4, 2020

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Danny Yap
hasn't posted a campaign yet
MAY THU’s Hospitalisation
MY DOMESTIC HELPER ATTEMPTED SUICIDE AT MAID AGENCY’S DORMITORY UPDATE: The campaign has been stopped. As of 18 Sept 2020,. . . . .
1103 Donors
SG$63,170 raised
63% funded
Bruno’s hip surgery
On 21st January, Bruno suffered a fall and twisted his left foot. He cried in pain and was brought to. . . . .
38 Donors
SG$2,322 raised
66% funded
MAY THU’s Hospitalisation
MY DOMESTIC HELPER ATTEMPTED SUICIDE AT MAID AGENCY’S DORMITORY UPDATE: The campaign has been stopped. As of 18 Sept 2020,. . . . .
1103 Donors
SG$63,170 raised
63% funded
Bruno’s hip surgery
On 21st January, Bruno suffered a fall and twisted his left foot. He cried in pain and was brought to. . . . .
38 Donors
SG$2,322 raised
66% funded