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Foxfire 40900590

Joined on May 20, 2020

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US #ReReleaseAlita Advertising Campaign - Billboard, Youtube Ads & Charity
PS: We raised the funding for the billboard in less than an hour! Congratulations #AlitaArmy! You are awesome! But the. . . . .
38 Donors
$3,864 raised
243% funded
Alita US Billboard Campaign: We Do Not Stand By
#AlitaArmy, the fundraiser for the electronic billboard in Los Angeles went extremely well. The response of the #AlitaArmy and friends. . . . .
36 Donors
$2,524 raised
252% funded
#AlitaSequel US Billboard Campaign
There is a good chance that #AlitaSequel talks will happen at Disney soon. The news coverage this week indicated this.. . . . .
27 Donors
$1,753 raised
101% funded
Foxfire 40900590
hasn't followed a campaign yet
Foxfire 40900590
hasn't funded a campaign yet