User profile

Jay Saavedra
Singapore, SG

Joined on Mar 25, 2020

I am a Professional Teacher at the same time a community engagement volunteer.

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We are reviving our campaign! COVID-19 is still devastating nations, countries and territories. It devours cities, where both the rich. . . . .
10 Donors
SG$129 raised
1% funded
Help for John Mark
My former secondary school friend, John Mark met an unfortunate vehicular accident and had a very bad spinal cord injury,. . . . .
1 Donors
SG$20 raised
Jay Saavedra
hasn't followed a campaign yet
We are reviving our campaign! COVID-19 is still devastating nations, countries and territories. It devours cities, where both the rich. . . . .
10 Donors
SG$129 raised
1% funded