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Miu Wing Yam

Joined on Nov 16, 2019

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Miu Wing Yam
hasn't posted a campaign yet
香港眾志國際眾籌計劃 Demosisto International Campaign Crowdfunding Project
Profound changes swept across the city throughout the anti-extradition movement. Various efforts made by Hongkongers in the past four months. . . . .
6374 Donors
HK$3,337,466 raised
111% funded
香港眾志國際眾籌計劃 Demosisto International Campaign Crowdfunding Project
Profound changes swept across the city throughout the anti-extradition movement. Various efforts made by Hongkongers in the past four months. . . . .
6374 Donors
HK$3,337,466 raised
111% funded