User profile

John Chuwa
Arusha, TZ

Joined on Jan 27, 2019

work for and save the in-need women,children, people with disability and elderly in legal field

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Help to Advocacy and Increase the visibility of Women, Children, Disables and Elderly peoples’ Rights in Tanzania
A Proposal for Advocacy and Increase the visibility of Women, Children, Disables and Elderly People Program in Arusha and Kilimanjaro. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Help to Advocacy and Increase the visibility of Women, Children, Disables and Elderly peoples’ Rights in Tanzania
A Proposal for Advocacy and Increase the visibility of Women, Children, Disables and Elderly People Program in Arusha and Kilimanjaro. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
John Chuwa
hasn't funded a campaign yet