User profile

Augustino Mhando
Lushoto, TZ

Joined on Jan 2, 2019

I work with NGO's called SHADAO. We locate in lushoto town, also I work as a local tour guide in west usambara mountains. I'm environmental expert.

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Waste materials management and recycling
Waste materials management and recycling. Dear Friends, I started a workshop at SHADAO office in lushoto town by recycling two. . . . .
1 Donors
$100 raised
3% funded
Electric wheelchair and stair climber for dad
Norime jus supažindinti su mylimu tėčiu ir vyru Algiu. Jis – 53-ejų buvęs policininkas, sporto aistruolis, gamtos mylėtojas ir visų. . . . .
286 Donors
€4,556 raised
123% funded
Augustino Mhando
hasn't funded a campaign yet