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Raluca Bucur

Joined on Nov 24, 2018

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Raluca Bucur
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Vlăduț luptă și visează la Crăciun
UPDATE 10 decembrie 2021: Pe 9 Noiembrie s-au implinit 3 ani de cand am aflat ca Vladut are cancer. Neuroblastom.. . . . .
1334 Donors
€34,972 raised
7% funded
Help me keep walking – Spine Tarlov Cysts Surgery
Dear all, I am Mihaela and one year ago I was just like any of you: I had a family,. . . . .
100 Donors
€4,051 raised
9% funded
Vlăduț luptă și visează la Crăciun
UPDATE 10 decembrie 2021: Pe 9 Noiembrie s-au implinit 3 ani de cand am aflat ca Vladut are cancer. Neuroblastom.. . . . .
1334 Donors
€34,972 raised
7% funded
Help me keep walking – Spine Tarlov Cysts Surgery
Dear all, I am Mihaela and one year ago I was just like any of you: I had a family,. . . . .
100 Donors
€4,051 raised
9% funded