User profile

Rimel Chakma

Joined on Oct 18, 2018

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The story of my sad struggle
Hello, My name is Rimel Chakma. I'm a student. I'm 20 years old. I'm from Bangladesh, but I am not. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Help Mat to start his life again.
Mahathir is only 36 when he is struck with a full blown stroke that left him paralysed on the left. . . . .
704 Donors
SG$26,906 raised
53% funded
Rebuild the Tioman Cabana !
On Sept. 9, 2018 at about 2pm an electrical fire started at the Tioman Cabana. The weather was a beautiful. . . . .
53 Donors
SG$4,140 raised
27% funded
Rimel Chakma
hasn't funded a campaign yet