User profile

Leizl Avelino

Joined on Sep 6, 2016

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Mend Brave Ollie’s Heart
We are asking for your prayers and help for our dear son Oliver Matthew Sera for his heart surgeries. Ollie. . . . .
9 Donors
₱26,500 raised
Make my Mom well and help with treatment for Multiple Myeloma/Cancer
My mom was an active 73 year old senior citizen before Multiple Myeloma. Multiple Myeloma is a a type of. . . . .
0 Donors
₱0 raised
Nanay Hospitalization and Chemo
Please help us. My mom has multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer and has been in and out of. . . . .
0 Donors
₱0 raised
Leizl Avelino
hasn't followed a campaign yet
Leizl Avelino
hasn't funded a campaign yet