User profile

Arphaxad Muema
Mombasa, KE

Joined on Oct 30, 2023

My name is Arphaxad, managing Director of MUEMA a man of integrity, accountability and loves to help the less privileged in the society

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Dear good friends and good Samaritan it's a difficult time for baby James for a time period of 6 months. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Giving a smile to the less privileged in the society
To my dear friends and good Samaritan due to high cost of living and climate in coastal region I hereby. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Help Ricky Breathe
Father Ricky Gerena has been a staple of our community for decades. He has always shown how kindness and dedication. . . . .
117 Donors
$16,801 raised
84% funded
Arphaxad Muema
hasn't funded a campaign yet