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Alecia Rhooms

Joined on Sep 8, 2023

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Assisting Childen with Health Care To the wonderful donors that will be donating:My name is Alecia Rhooms, and I am a Graphic Designer, Freelancer. . . . .
0 Donors
$0 raised
Elvi Vergara
Elvi Vergara is a domestic helper who has been allegedly physically, mentally and verbally abused by her employers so much. . . . .
896 Donors
₱1,069,869 raised
356% funded
Let’s get Fehèr to Iceland
My dear foster cat for 2 years now still doesn’t have a stable future home and it breaks my heart. . . . .
53 Donors
€1,919 raised
127% funded
Refugee support activities through Japanese martial arts(Nippon Kempo日本拳法)
「Education Policy of the United hope refugee education center」“Young people need love, attention and care to know they are valuable;. . . . .
10 Donors
$830 raised
207% funded
Alecia Rhooms
hasn't funded a campaign yet