User profile

Hayley Damous
Honiton, UK

Joined on Jul 20, 2015

Hi I'm Hayley, I am a home care support worker. In the near future i am hoping to become a counselor, specializing in PTSD. I have already achieved a level 2 in counselling skills, I have also received certificates for a number of courses which include; 'Domestic Violence And Abuse' 'Sexual Abuse and related issues' 'Health and social care Level 3' and 'Safeguarding of vulnerable adults' . I am now looking to move forward to Level 3 Counselling skills and theory, as this qualification would help out greatly in my end goals. To gain further experience i am currently volunteering for a well known helpline. As i believe this will help me understand more about the profession i am looking to venture into.

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Hayley’s counselling course
I am looking to participate in the Counselling skills and theory level 3 course at Exeter College Starting October 2015,. . . . .
11 Donors
£89 raised
11% funded
Hayley Damous
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Hayley Damous
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