User profile

Valentyna Lavlentseva
51462, UA

Joined on Aug 31, 2022

mother of three children

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for housing
Сбор для аренды жилья. Война отобрала у нас все. Нет средств для существования.
0 Donors
$0 raised
Bruno Fernandes’ match worn signed boots and shirt
EN: I’ve recently been made aware of Leonor and Jaime’s situation - five-year-old Leonor and Jaime, who is eight, are. . . . .
2444 Donors
€22,849 raised
Help Lisa Complete Her Miraculous Recovery from COVID
For about the next six months, Lisa needs help to recover from COVID. Around Thanksgiving, she contracted COVID in the. . . . .
91 Donors
$11,580 raised
78% funded
💙💛Humanitarian aid to the military front in Ukraine
In connection with the war in Ukraine, we are constantly sending aid to the military front. We contact the defenders. . . . .
1 Donors
zł5 raised
Helping people in difficult life situations and stray animals
Доброго времени суток, друзья! Мы - небольшая благотворительная организация, помогающая бездомным и животным. Мы вкладываем все свои силы и ресурсы. . . . .
0 Donors
€0 raised
for housing
Сбор для аренды жилья. Война отобрала у нас все. Нет средств для существования.
0 Donors
$0 raised
Valentyna Lavlentseva
hasn't funded a campaign yet