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Saltanat Altynbayeva

Joined on Jan 12, 2022

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Saltanat Altynbayeva
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Dollar-for-dollar donation initiative to help civilians in Almaty and other regions of Kazakhstan to recover from the aftermath of social unrest and the ensuing chaos
Chances are that you (like us) have family members, friends, colleagues and acquaintances in some parts of Kazakhstan or are. . . . .
49 Donors
$5,502 raised
23% funded
Dollar-for-dollar donation initiative to help civilians in Almaty and other regions of Kazakhstan to recover from the aftermath of social unrest and the ensuing chaos
Chances are that you (like us) have family members, friends, colleagues and acquaintances in some parts of Kazakhstan or are. . . . .
49 Donors
$5,502 raised
23% funded