Undercover Webseries

Fundraising campaign by yaugustu29
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I'm working on a webseries and funding for it does not come easy. I would like to begin with this project and bring a new form of entertainment to the internet. The funding will go to the equipmnt, studio and actors. It would help if the actors received some kind of compensation for coming in to work on the project. This is a small preview of the story:I was on my way to a convention to meet my best friend who’s also my childhood friend and it turns out that she is now the daughter of the leader of the world. This is makes her a target for terrorists. I was about to cross the street to where she was when she was taken by two men. I ran across the street, but because there was so many people in between I couldn’t make it in time. Luckily one of them had dropped something so I decided to investigate and find out what it was and as it turns out it was one of the wrappers of pop candy, but the product was not successful


First peek at the web series.


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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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