Trailer/ RV -Emergency Housing!- 1-Artist&1- puppy

Fundraising campaign by Gentry Henson
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    raised of $4,300.00 goal goal
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Hello, my name is Gentry and I'm the most nice, hard working, generous, easy going ,struggling through worst time in life to date so far kind of guy. And what's even harder is I have my baby Gabby along side with me through all of this. Gabby is a miniature bull terrier pure breed pup, she actually over 2 years but she's forever a puppy in my eyes. But I recently underwent surgery in my mouth and had an assist removed under my right eye. And was in the hospital for just I under 5 days. And recovery forced me to take off work and heal. But lost housing and my job and what small finances I did have dried up and am forced to live out of my small car with broken windshield and broken transmission. It's currently 92° and me and Gabby struggle everyday to find a shady cool spot to get through the day and stay hydrated. And I have only a few sets of clothes to my name because my car was broken into ravaged through and even my artwork was stolen. I officially used up all remaining bargaining chips with selling the last copy's of my LV skull artwork piece. "Fallen" in a home Depot parking lot.i work as a journeyman electrician when I am able to work and my passion in life is a visual artist! I promote and feature artists and my work and create personalized sketch portraits for my clients and design cool ideas to their likings. And I love to inspire other artists and teach what I have taught myself with my style and kick with artwork. On Instagram you can find me at @gentrydrawings or @gentryh.santacruz I have located a perfect RV with running Generator and all appliances and engine runs perfectly. This campaign I pray can help me to purchase this rv so I can move us in asap I just need to be able to get me and Gabby into something besides this car so I can get back to work to get back on my feet and therefore get our lives back and I am not missing any opportunities I have pushed myself so far I can't push anymore. I make sure Gabby eats and drinks water before I do. She is like my kid and she's my world and won't ever leave my side. Truly my best friend. This rv is truly an incredible RV and would be the perfect spot for me as an artist and for both of us to go hiking and be free and not tied down to a contract for a year lease on renting a place.


  • Gentry Henson
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $4,300.00 goal
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