Save my tooths please. :(

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The reason why I raise money?

It's a long story but lets begin.

I live in a poor family with my bother and my mother who educates us alone.

She was raised me like never bother to ask for money from anyone but this is a differet situation.

Because I'm only 16 years old I cant raise my money and we have enough invoice to pay.

Since I give all my money to my mother to pay the bills so I have no money for it.

In 2015 my mother was diagnosed with cancer (she was 58 years old in 2015)

Stunningly she defeated the cancer and she was able to stand up after the long chemotherapy.

Obviously during this time she needed money too, so I spent my saved money on her treatments.(and my brother too)

This was a very hard time in my life..I'm not gonna lie..

But we're stand up together.

The reason why I don't mention my dad because he doesn't help us since they divorced.

This is why I ask other helps.

I would be very grateful if u can help me because my bad teeth's and my gum disase reduced my self-confidence at long time ago..

We were able to overcome many problems but I can't afford to ask my mother for help because she has many problems too and I have to spend all of my money for her happiness and medicines.


  • Szuros Kristof
  • Campaign Owner

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