This Could have been your child, your Mom or Dad help the homeless they need it bad.

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Greetings My name is Minister Travis L. Boyd and I have a passion for helping people. I believe in sowing good seeds in fertile ground and reaping a harvest in due time. I also believe that my actions speaks volumes. I am asking those that can to help me in helping those that are less fortunate. These individuals could have been us, our children, our family members and friends. I will be providing clothing for the homeless, hygiene, blankets, food, shelter if possible to these individuals. I will be holding functions, events for the less fortunate and people in general as far as Outreach. I need resources and help doing so, let's pull together and make it happen! God Bless!


I am saved and a Man of God who believes in helping those who wants to be helped. Changing one life at a time!

I am saved and a Man of God who believes in helping those who wants to be helped. Changing one life at a time!

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