These two young ladies need your help to keep their free monthly teen magazine going

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These two young ladies need your help to keep their free monthly lifestyle magazine going. They are both teenagers themselves, 12 and 17. They started this magazine to give back to others as they have been given a lot - one having the HIV virus contracted at birth, cognitive issues and the disfunction of her right hand and the other one being a drugs withdrawal baby. They are both adopted (under the specific rule that our adopted parent does not work hence our financial limitations.)

Kychan Teen is a free monthly lifestyle magazine for teenagers by teenagers.

Interviewing inspirational adults from all communities to sow aspirations into the future generation.

* To give young people from ages 10 to 16 the opportunity to be part of a team that provides information about themselves and teenage lifestyle to others.

* To provide knowledge of health and wellbeing including beauty tips and product reviews as well as raising awareness on different illnesses and health concerns.

* Provide work experience for young people such as writing articles, Modelling for our fashion features, journalism, devote tactics to increase subscribers, holding roles within the company e;g: fashion buyer, logistic distribution and more.

* They have received positive feedback from the teenagers who are a part of our growing team who have shared that they have learnt the following: learning about deadliness, commitment and accountability, understanding team work, goal setting, punctuality, and networking.


  • Channan Warmington
  • Campaign Owner

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