The Harvest Project

Fundraising campaign by Yakima Waner
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The Harvest project is a fundraising initiative to collect funds to assist the production of the experimental social and eco documentary The Harvest. The Harvest is a documentary that follows the heartfelt stories of the women trash pickers of Ekurhuleni's Plastic City and their children. The driving narrative of the film is the amazing will power of survival that these women own and the love and energy they give to provide the best care possible for their children amongst a world of trash. The documentary also introduces the audience to a crèche created to assist over 200 children in Plastic City. The film also highlights the eco protection they create for the planet through their daily means of survival. Intent Conscious Media is a non profit film house, as the producers they wish to create a film that will change the audiences view of trash pickers and in return create recognition and respect for this community. An underlying message and comment to consumerism and it's related issues of humanity is also discussed in the documentary alongside issues of drugs, prostitution and teenage pregnancies.


  • Yakima Waner
  • Campaign Owner

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