Take It To The Streets , One Avenue , Support Poverty Plan London Ontario

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Starts June 4 2016 until June 7 2016 at 11:00 Am until 5:00 Pm


I would like to see A one way Avenue created in London Ontario Canada, for reason to eliminate issues for those in poverty, living on the streets, and bring healthy lives as a result.

A one way avenue is needed, all resources in one place.

Recreational, O.D.S.P , Welfare, Treatment Center, and single and family Bachelor apt, with internet, cable phone, according to income.
Education building, and created Job placements, life skills building, and more.
Please help me work with London Ontario Planner ,and Mayor Matt Brown, and other organizations , desiring to end Poverty.

Towards financing and creating this place on behalf of Poverty.

I have attended Governmental meetings on poverty, sat in discussions throughout London Ontario, and I am working with the Governments, in order to help end Poverty and find ways to cause a One way Avenue for those in need, in one place, so they are healthy, and not beaten down by weather changes, and walking all day.

So that they have paces to go during the day, and have proper treatment needed , and better intake of meals and so much more.
To develop better ways that are geared to income, and to help bring down costs of living for those in need. I believe the bills and needs of those in Poverty, should match the wages given to us.
Better intake of nutrition , like home made foods, glutton free bread, and help with so many issues i have seen concerning lack of health to those in need.
Those in need need better avenues towards housing, job placements, and resting places.
They are also in need of entertainment, and fun times, all work and no fun, makes life dull.

Website: http://streetmissionary.wix.com/endpoverty
My True Life Story: https://www.facebook.com/groups/161950870867458/


  • Nina Mccutcheon
  • Campaign Owner

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