Student Loan Help

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    raised of $26,326.37 goal goal
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Let's see, where to start. My brother sent me to this site because he thought it could help. I went to graduate school in 2004, graduated in 2005 with a Master's in Publishing. I've been working and chipping away at my loan, but like most people, with all the money I've put in, the dent I thought I was making is only about a third of way through it.  I have paid off $13,240.63, with $26,326.37 to go.  So maybe you'd like to help.


 I don't really know what to put here, so I'll just type for five minutes and stop. I'm 33 and I don't have credit card debt, which is more than most can say these days.  I work as an editor for an independent publisher.  I eat a lot of peanut butter and have a happy life. I'm generally a nice person and I've never kicked and animal or laughed at an old person, besides my Nana who was hilarious.  In the last 20 years I've given every homeless person I have seen with a Black Flag tattoo either food or money because hey, that could've been you.


 Other people deserve this money more than me, but I'm asking for help anyway. I put $500 towards my loan every month, but after rent, gas, and food, it doesn't leave much.  At this rate, I'll be paying this off for another 4 years.  I drive a Corolla with roll down windows.  I don’t' have cable and I make my shelves out of wood.  I don't know, does that help? Point is, I'd like to be rid of this loan and have a chance of saving some money.


If you've read this want to donate you're an amazing person. You should think about donating to www.seaturtlesspacecoast.or or, and if you have an extra dollar or two, the link below.


100% of this money goes to my student loan.




The wi-five internet high five. Wait for it. 5..4..3..2..1. GO!

0 Backers

The above mentioned wi-five, plus an exclusive self hug. Two arms.

0 Backers

The above mentioned wi-five, two arm self hug, and one self pat on the back. Must feel proud whilst patting. You also get an email with a PDF of Abe Lincoln.

0 Backers

First my mind will be blown, but after that, you'll get everything above, plus I'll mail you a personalized Abe Lincoln drawing, probably chopping a tree or climbing a mountain. You know what, you choose, or don't, he can chop wood on a mountain.

0 Backers

Why would you give me $100, IDK but if you did, you've just earned an Abe Lincoln drawing on a wood cut. By wood cut I mean a piece of wood that I've cut, but you know, with Abe Lincoln on it.

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Seriously, as Abe would say, Wow. I'll make you an Abe Lincoln on wood cut, plus a cut out of your favorite animal, as long as your favorite animal is two dimensional and looks like a shark.

0 Backers

I don't even know. I'll make you a cap catching bottle opener out of wood and draw Abe Lincoln on it looking real presidential.

0 Backers

I hope you like bird houses, because you just earned yourself a handmade birdhouse and who's under that perch...if you said Abe Lincoln, you'd be correct. I'll also send you a framed drawing of Abe Lincoln telling you how amazing you are.

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raised of $26,326.37 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities