Sponsor a Selendi Street Dog

Fundraising campaign by Nicola Kurt
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After recently moving to a village in Turkey, I have seen countless dogs with diseases, malnourished and many puppies who unfortunately don't make it beyond 3 weeks of age. The problem has not only been limited to the health of these dogs but also the constant breeding has meant a surge in the Selendi street dog population.

My partner and I have teamed up with the mayor of the town and other vets to tackle the problem. The mayor has kindly provided us with a building which was converted into a dog shelter and other vets have been carrying out much needed operations.

However, despite all of this positive news the challenge of raising money for the operations, treatment and after care is still a huge challenge. Therefore, we are asking for any donations, where possible to help us neuteur and treat these stray dogs with the hope of eventually rehoming them. Every little helps :)


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raised of £500.00 goal
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