Speak With Your Eyes

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Imagine if you woke up one day and you could no longer speak or write. You were basically bedridden, unable to move your legs to walk, unable to move your hands to write. You were aware of what was going on around you, but you could not tell anyone. Now imagine that there were assistive communication devices that could help you to communicate. That you could use your eyes to communicate with your family - your parents, your children. BUT now you are faced with the reality that the device is expensive and something neither you nor your family can afford so you must now spend the rest of your life in silence. Imagine that there are organizations that could help you get a device, but you are not considered a priority because they only have a few devices and there are other people that the organizations believe will benefit much more from the device than you will. So they are not even willing to try. That is the reality for this father of two. So he lies in silence.

If you are looking for a new book to share with that special little someone in your life, please consider purchasing one of my picture books. All proceeds go towards the purchase of the communication device. Kindness is spreading. https://www.dawndoig.com





  • Dawn Doig
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of CA$14,500.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities