Sky Farming

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Growing up in Kentucky, agriculture is something very important to me. Our world is facing a problem I am sure you are aware of; we are running out of area for food. I have spent months planning and coming up with ideas on how to solve this problem, but first, here is a little about me.

As already stated, I have grown up and currently live in the state of Kentucky. I am currently 14 years old and attend my local high school. A few years back in my science class, we were looking at agriculture and problems that are arising. I wanted to make a chance, but I wasn't sure how. Now, I have plans ready to put into action. All I need is your support.

My idea is "Sky Farming." Similar to the idea of "Vertical Farming," which involves building buildings to house crops. Only, my idea would be much more space and cost effective. Sky Farming would include a nylon structure filled with helium, similar to that of a blimp. This structure, however, would be flat and be able to carry soil along with lightweight crops. Corn, carrots, soy beans and wheat could all be options. This craft would be tied by taught ropes to keep the platform from moving too much.

Since this is just a prototype, I plan to make the craft only 2 sq. feet, just to make sure everything works as planned. Also, since this is just a prototype, the sky farm will only be about 3-4 feet in the air, and taken down if the weather is bad.

Thank you for your interest. Do not think I am just some kid looking to make money. No, I am looking to totally change the way we look at agriculture. Every penny counts, and donations of all amounts are accepted. Also, if you would like to give me your email, I can keep you updated with how the project is coming along.

Thanks again, this is the beginning of something huge!

-John Campbell


  • John Campbell
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $251.00 goal
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