Skittles Needs Surgery

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    raised of $1,200.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: $167.99
Total: $167.99
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Skittles is normally a very hyper and happy puppy. She just turned one in October 2014 and was diagnosed with a luxating patella  also known as a floating knee cap. Which for skittles is no fun. She loves to run and play fetch but her knees are getting worse. Her knee cap actually pops out of place so she can't use her back legs. We were told she needs surgery to correct the problem and it cost $600.00 per knee. Since she needs both knees it's $1,200.00.  That is a lot of money for our family. She means the world to our family especially our children. Her pain is getting worse so she don't do much any more. She just lays around in pain. Please help our baby get the surgery she really needs.  Thank you for reading this and thank you in advance for any donations. 


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raised of $1,200.00 goal
0% Funded
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Raised offline: $167.99
Total: $167.99

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