Send a Student to Ecuador

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Hi everybody, my name is Emily and I'm currently a freshman student at a local
community college. My school offers a few study abroad opportunities each year,
and this upcoming spring semester I could have the chance to go to Ecuador
for over a week. The course itself is 3 credits and includes a few lectures and
a paper, but of course it's the possibility of travel that is drawing me in.
When I first saw the information about the trip online, I thought to myself 'Wow- Ecuador.
I can't afford that, but why not check it out?' So check it out I did, and then
I E-mailed the professor in charge with questions, just to satisfy my curiosity
even though I knew I couldn't go. But that mean ol' professor had to tell me
all about the trip- in excessive detail- and so I only wanted to go more and
more. She told me to stop by her office, and against all logic and reasoning
that told me that I should not go and make myself miserable with unattainable
wants, I went. And, well, now I simply have to go.

Even though I'm going to a great community college that is saving me bundles
compared to the private schools I got accepted into but couldn't justify paying
for, I didn't get any financial aid and I'm paying for myself out of a very,
very empty pocket. My family isn't exactly one of those cheery
white-picket-fence-here-let-us-pay-for-your-education types, so I'm on my own.
Don't get me wrong- that's all fine and dandy and I'm an independent person
anyhow, but all the same it's hard to see opportunities like these pass me by.
In fact, it's that pesky independence complex of mine that normally prevents me
from asking for help, but this chance at going to Ecuador is just too amazing to let
me get in my own way.

The trip itself costs more than tuition for the semester, but I think it’s more
than worth it. Unfortunately, my personal opinion has yet to magically create
money that I just don’t have, so here I am. The professor, who was far too nice
for my own good, said that she’d loosely hold a spot for me because she could
see how desperately I want to go on this trip, but unless if I give a $300
deposit that spot can’t wait for me forever. Now the deposit I could possibly
manage- so long as I don’t need to buy gas for my commute for several months-
but it’s non-refundable and I fear that I won’t be able to come up with the
money in time to go after spending that hard-earned $300. So, long story short,
I hope that I’ll be able to generate enough to at least assure me that I’ll be
able to pull it together by the December due date (for the total payment),
which will then allow me to make that fateful deposit. I honestly feel embarrassed
to be asking for money when people have cancer and have lost their jobs or
homes or loved ones, but I can’t help but dream of this- literally. And I
realize that I’ve rambled on and didn’t give much information about the trip
itself, so if you want more information just ask away.

Thank you, even if you only read and could not give. And wish me luck!
If I make it, I’ll think of all of you on the entire plane trip :)

Oh, and remember- curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!


I know it's not much, but I'd be happy to send along a postcard from one of the placed we'd be visiting.

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I'll send you a postcard and include a few photographs from the trip. I love photography and will be sure to be clicking away 24/7!

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It's still not much, but you'd get a postcard, some pictures, and a small souvenir. Since I haven't gone already I don't know what it'll be, but I'd pick up an eclectic mix of odds n' ends so I can send everyone a small token of gratitude!

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raised of $4,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities