Save my beloved dog 😭🙏

Fundraising campaign by Imesha Perera
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This will be a different story. A love story that started with a lot of dreams and disappeared with those dreams....

On Monday night, 26.02.2024, my brother and I immediately went and brought a little puppy to our house... although he looked small, he was still about one year and 4 months old. But we were told that she was a year old because she looked like a very small animal.. only her bones were visible.. because it was difficult to walk and she did not have much strength. (I will post some photos of the day he brought it below.) So anyway, he brought it home. As soon as I brought it, I took it to my room. He was a bit scared because of a new house and slept next to me without showing any fear. We barely met him...but with one's a female. Earlier, the woman who owned him said that she wanted half of the first cubs.. We liked the love we had for him.. So when we brought him, mom and dad saw his body and said, "Oh my son, please feed him quickly, he is hungry." And I ate about 1 kilo of rice as if I hadn't eaten in days.. This is how the most beautiful days of my life began.In the first few days, mom and dad are not used to it. Later he could not live without his family. He was with me most of the day. At night in my brother's room, at night in my room... So we brought him and the second day he went to a vet and got all the antibiotics and vitamins he needed. Even then, the medicine he needed to inject was a year late. 2 weeks have passed like this... getting bigger and bigger.. getting more beautiful.. very naughty... (I will also post about 4 photos taken in 2 weeks.) His former owners came to see him and she couldn't imagine what he looked like. When I saw how he was... I tried to give him another dog that he had but there are 3 other dogs in our house apart from him... So we said no. 8 of them are american bully dogs. All but 3 of them looked like her. That meant she had no food. So this woman wanted to escape the law, so she gave away all the dogs.. a lot. It was given only to people. Anyway, our dog has grown up and his crossing time has come.... We brought him here for love and not for business.. So we didn't hurry to cross him. Because he was very weak and only developed a small body. Because the previous owner wanted to give garbage, we decided to keep him as he is and put him across the road next time. Anyway, at this time, that woman came to see him.. He was bigger than what he had seen before... He couldn't even imagine.. Anyway, that woman told him that now is the right time to go. crossing over We said that we will not put the name this time, now that he has grown up, let him grow a little more and put him at the next crossing. But that woman did not like it. Her greed for money outweighed the creature's life. She took his photo 4 and went looking for someone to put it on the crosswalk. Regardless, now that the animal is with us, we decided not to cross it this time. Because we value him more than money. But then we realized that that woman is someone who sells children for anything.. It took 2 days. On the 3rd day too, a three wheeler was brought and asked to take the dog to the crossing.. At that time my brother was not at home. We told him to wait for my brother. But the woman did not like it. She tried to take the dog away.. She scolded us a bit.. Then the father got angry and scolded the woman and told her to come and solve this while her brother was there. .. I have never seen my father scold someone who came home. But that day Nan was very angry with the way that woman spoke. Anyway, we saved our Dora that night.. Dora is our girl's name.. So the woman later went to the police and filed a complaint that we were forcing the dog... The police called us and said. Come and solve this.. While listening to the story, we got to know that a group of thieves came to our house that night and took the dog from us and sold it for 2000 dollars. That's the story of asking to take the dog to the crossroad.. It's sad to think that it was done when you were a child. But that woman doesn't like it because she already had 17 cases. This woman gave two dogs to the SI who investigated the police complaint and turned him to the woman's side. But the other policemen talk to us because they talk about everything from how the dog used to be to how it is now. We also decided not to give away our doors... that was impossible. Last night my brother received a call from an unknown number. When we talked to him, he was a terrible person... He knew us, so he called us and told us the details. "Brother, we will not touch this issue, be careful... That woman is a cruel woman who lives a lie. Even if we do not accept this, we can hand it over to other people to kill, so why not. Shall we be careful?" One of the 4 said. It is very sad to hear these stories. There are such ugly people in this world...people who do any dirty work for money....thinking about my brother's life, we made a very difficult decision. matter how sad it is. We are giving our Dora to her previous owner.. 😭😭😭 I will miss her.. because even though we were together for a while, she was mostly with me He eats. I wonder what kind of people told this story.. I can't make up my mind to give him up now. If I go like this, I will leave this world. 😭 because the person in the previous house won't keep him. It doesn't matter if he was taken away... he was tied to a canal for his whole life. If the person is a good person.. Someone who can take care of him like a child.. Keep him in the house without locking him.. I have a small innocent request... If you ever read this don't do Don't ask to take care of an animal. That woman told us yesterday that if she wanted Dora, she would pay 3000 dollars to take it away or she would sell it to someone. We don't have that much money at the moment. If you can understand our situation and help us even in a small amount, thank you very much 😭🙏


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