Save Dusty’s Life

Fundraising campaign by Lisa Meiring
  • ZAR0.00
    raised of R30,000.00 goal goal
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Hello to anyone reading this.

My name is Lisa and I would love to tell Dusty's story before it's too late.

Dusty is a lovely Yorkshire Terrier who was once homeless and who also had a loving and amazing owner. My mom. He was the perfect gift my mom needed to beat her depression and anxiety as a mother of 9 kids. She sadly passed away last year from cancer. My dad who now is alone and keeps everything afloat needs all the emotional support he can get.

I remember he told us the closest thing he has to my mom is Dusty. Our loving family dog. Always happy to see my dad or anyone for that matter. I never thought Dusty would be the one to cheer my dad up the way he does. It's beautiful to see.

It breaks my heart to say that Dusty (the heart of the family) has been diagnosed with Parvovirus (a.k.a. Parvo). For anyone reading this and not knowing what Parvovirus is,Parvovirus or Parvo is an extremely contagious disease of dogs. It occurs mainly in puppies, or in dogs that have not been vaccinated. The bad news: many dogs that contract Parvovirus die. Most dogs that live through Parvo develop permanent immunity. Therefore after the treatment, Dusty will need special care and lots of attention.

The only other option we will have is to hand Dusty over to a shelter and fear that he might be put out. He is not young anymore and a shelter would have no use for him at the age he is right now. There is nothing or no one we love more that Dusty.

I don't expect much and no one reading this owes Dusty or my dad anything at all. But I would love to keep a smile on my dad's face for as long as possible in this sad and dark time.

Please help us save Dusty's life. He truly is an angel sent from heaven.


Animal lover and protector.

Animal lover and protector.

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raised of R30,000.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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