save baby coco from cancer

Fundraising campaign by saveba
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Brave Coco MIDDLETOWN, DE Diagnosed as a baby with a rare cancer, Coco has had several rounds of chemotherapy and a special type of transplant that uses cells taken from donated umbilical cord blood. Coco Lazaridis has spent half her life at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Diagnosed with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, a very rare cancer, when she was just 3 ½ months old, Coco has had several rounds of chemotherapy and a special type of transplant that uses cells taken from donated umbilical cord blood – all before her first birthday. The news that our baby had cancer came as quite a shock to Coco’s parents, Hannah and Jim. Although Coco had been running a fever, “she didn’t even look sick,” . “You would have thought she just had a cold. Luckily our pediatrician sent her for blood work and that’s how we found it.” Now we cannot afford to continue to pay the medical expenses and we are reaching out to get help. Please our baby needs a lot of help so she can continue to live and be able to explore a little more. Every penny counts if not able to make donation please keep her in your prayers. BLESS **ALL DONATIONS WILL BE USED TO PAY FOR MEDICAL EXSPENCES AND MEDICINE ***


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