Save Life’s Stop Poverty

Fundraising campaign by John Will Smith
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We are Individuals in Good to Fight Against Poverty in the Philippines is as much a part of the fabric of the place as the endearing smiles of its people. It is, sadly, a curse that successive governments going back further than anyone can remember have failed to remove. They’ve all been aware of it most, if not all of them, have campaigned to gain power with promises of reducing it and bringing the Philippine poor era to an end.Often though, once in power, rather than tackling this problem head on, their economic policies which discouraged investment in human capital and blocked economic reform or denied the need for it often at the behest of powerful corporate interests, provided the most fertile of ground for poverty to grow and flourish.Over the years, there’ve been more plans, programs, road maps and initiatives produced by successive governments to fix this problem than you could shake a stick at. And, by and large, they can’t be measured by their success but by the degree of their failure.


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