Return to School

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Greetings, My name is Keyshira Johnson, I am 18 years old, and I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  I am in the process of trying to return to school at  Indiana Institute of Technology, which is also known as Indiana Tech. This school is located in Fort Wayne as well. I have been out of school since April, 2014. The reasoning behind that is because, I gave birth to my son 2 weeks before the spring semester began. Throughout the semester, it was hard getting to class everyday and having no one to provide child care for my child. However, I was keeping my grades up, but after missing so many classes caused my grades to drop. Before withdrawing, I tried to do everything I could to make it work with an infant, but I came up with nothing. Going to school means the world to me, and that is the only thing I want to do. I have been praying about my situation, and I must remain patient. In order for me to return to school, and pursue my dreams, I have to pay a large amount of money. This is by far the most regretful decision that I have made, withdrawing from school. Because I am a believer in CHRIST, I know great things come to those who wait. While waiting, I have been working really hard to come up with money to pay my debt. This hasn't been easy; because I am a teenage mother who's trying to provide for my child, but I know that I must continue to try until my goal is met. I am aware that not everyone can donate money, but prayers and encouragement are accepted. Thank you, and be blessed.


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Total: $100.00

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