Relief Assistance for my Family

Fundraising campaign by Jai James
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When I lost my Business Fishpond because of Nature Calamity disaster, my heart turned into pieces, I thought, what I'm gonna do next this time, how can I help my family now? the Education of my children? I immediately applied for the job opportunity hoping that I'll find one other opportunity soon. Unfortunately, I did not😭. Because of stress, I went to Lala to be with my family (sister specifically) to get some support and gain more courage and get motivated. I need them most for this time.

I borrowed money from one of my colleague and friend as well, he said yes (very grateful)🤗. While waiting for it, I already thank God because we can start to build our Life again (still blessed). 🙏❤️

But what happened next was very unexpected. God took charge of everything, He is a great provider indeed. He used my trusted friends to help me rebuild our Lost Business, without realizing I am rebuilding myself too. I realized so many things because of everything happened. I understand now the reason why I lost my Business, why I had a very stressful life before I went to Lala. Why our business was damaged totally. I realized that really nothing is permanent in this world, God made me realize that He is giving so many challenges to us to make us stronger. To know who really are there for us no matter what. God is truly amazing!!!🙏

My heart now feels very grateful and super blessed to everyone who extended their help for us. (I can't mention everyone here, not enough space 😁). But, I couldn't thank you enough for all your help (especially my Family). God is the best always. I know He'll take care of everything to return all the favors you gave. Please stay safe and continue being a blessing to others. My prayers are all for you.🙏🙏🙏

God bless everyone!!! Thank you for giving your time reading this! 😘🙃😘




Jul 25

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Update posted by Jai James at 05:39 am

When I lost my Business Fishpond because of Nature Calamity disaster, my heart turned into pieces, I thought, what I'm gonna do next this time, how can I help my family now? the Education of my children? I immediately applied for the job opportunity hoping that I'll find one other. . . . .

See update


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